I seriously need a
Even though this
week has been a pretty normal one, there has just been a lot of those
days where everything doesn't really go the way you'd hoped it
Firstly, the traffic
has been shocking nearly every day because of the Glastonbury
festival that was on just down the road (I could hear the music from
my room which was incredibly unfair..)
And also as it's
nearly the end of term none of the kids want to listen or do what
they have to do because they have the whole “whats the point, what
are you going to do about it?” which i'm sure you can image in a
joy to deal with every day.
So where I left you
last week was with me being angry at the wifi (which is still
annoyingly slow and therefore has forced me to be a lot more patient
– something i'm not used to as it isn't really a strong point of
I can't really tell
you that this week has been very interesting, and I havent takes many
photos at all, so I fear by the time you get to the end of this post
you'll be bored, but I guess it is your decision to read it, so you
only have yourselves to blame really..
Right so tuesday was
spent, as you know, trying to get my blog post up, and then nothing
else really happened, except in the afternoon when I was in the pool
and I came out just as wet as the kids because the member of staff
thought it would be hilarious to keep splashing me (I was told if a
child is annoying you, you should just ignore it, but I didn't think
i'd have to apply that strategy to the 25yearold I work with..)
Wednesday was a
hectic day because there was a crash along the main road, so nearly
half the school was late which meant that it took me nearly 40
minutes to do the registers when it normally takes me less than 10.
This time for your
weekly forest school update, it's all about making elderflower
cordial! Basically spending the time making sure the kids don't grate
anything they might cry about, and making sure no keaves or dirt went
into the buckets (trust me, it's harder then you'd think)
![]() |
Its quite pretty, but don't worry, you strain it before you drink it! |
After that mission I
had senior games, where just for a change I joined in and played
rounders, which I am not horrific at thanks to all those hours my
year 8 class spent playing softball and danish rounders (might I just
say that on one ball I got like 3 and ½ rounders – a home run, 2
rounders for bad bowling and half for obstruction. Yes the game has a
stupid points system)
That night for whole
house night we piled into the mini busses and drove toKings Bruton to
see the year 7 production of Grease. Now as you know i'm a sucker for
musicals so it was my perfect night! The kids were all so talented
and I was so proud of them because I knew how hard they'd worked on
the show (the amount of times I helped them with their lines in the
dorms showed just how badly they wanted it to be good)
That night was a
long one because we didn't get back to school till 9.30 or so, so all
the kids were late to bed and none of them wanted to sleep because
they were all hyper.
The late night meant
that I had to wake up early (shocking, I know!) on Thursday morning
so they could all have showers, but thankfully thursdays are really
quiet so I could catch up on sleep during the day (yes I did need to
have a nap in the middle of the day. Don't judge me)
Thursday after
dinner was spent on the tennis courts trying (and failing) to improve
my non-existant tennis skills. By the end of half an hour I could hit
the ball and it'd land in the court most of the time which was a
serious improvement from before! That night instead of the usual
games of football or cricket, we played what I think is our new
favourite game (the one where you hit a tennis ball as high as you
can and then try and catch it) I know it sounds simple but it's
serious fun and a lot harder than you'd imagine (especially when
you're not wearing you glasses so you can't actually see the ball
until it gets close to the ground which then makes it very hard to
Friday morning meant
another half an hour in the Junior Common room with the kids that get
dropped off to school early. This week they brought their new
recorders along, and so I had three girls playing the same song over
and over again for the entire time. Any time of the day that would be
annoying, but at 8am it is unbearable and I had to stop myself from
yelling at them to shut up. Why they insist on teaching kids the
recorder I don't know. Personally I think the triangle would be a
better instrument to learn..
Thankfully later
that day my mood was made 100times better because my new camera
arrived in the post! I decided to buy myself a polaroid camera
because i've wanted one for ages, and I just thought why not? And as
I couldn't think of a reason as to why I shouldn't buy one, I got
one! I can't wait till the holidays to take some photos with it!
That night we did a
McDonalds run and one of the staff's friend came with us. I found out
that he was the personal trainer of Quicksilver (the avengers one,
not the X-Men one) and so yeah i've basically met the avengers -its
the closest i'll ever get to them so i'm going to take it!
Saturday meant
packing, as school finishes this coming week, so they needed to make
a start on their packing. This took hours and resulted in me nearly
tearing my hair out because they weren’t actually doing anything
even though they insisted they were. I don't think i've ever been
more frustrated in my life, and it got to the point where I just left
them and went and sat in the staffroom otherwise I would've ended up
yelling at them. Because the weather had turned to rubbish, that
night we had a solid hour and a half of dodgeball in the gym, and I
realised how much I missed playing it!
Sunday was a really
chilled day (thank god) and so when the duty staff came in and I was
free for 6 hours I retreated into my room and watched netflix and
tried to pack my suitcase for the summer, which was really hard
because I have bought sooooo many things since i've been here, and I
didn't really realise just how much until I couldn't fit it all into
my suitcase... oops..
and so we're back to
monday! This morning I skyped eight of my friends back home (all at
the same time) and we had a good old catch up, because I hadn't
talked to most of them since I left in December! And then I spent the
rest of the day staring helplessly at my suitcase just hoping it
would magically pack itself (sadly it didnt..) and so I fear that
will be my job tonight.
Cute little group photo feat yours truly on the laptop. |
Again I am sorry for
the boringness of this post, but with only one more week at work till
september I'm sure they'll be a lot more interesting over the next
two months!
So until next week