Friday, 11 September 2015

Brighton surprises and back to reality...

Right, so as you may have noticed this post is a few days late, which I do apologise for, but I'm back at work as some of you may have guessed, and my day off has changed from a monday to a Friday, so I no longer have time to post on a Monday (so new blog day is a Friday).

Right, so last Tuesday I went on one last little adventure before my summer holidays ended, so I got on the train and went off to Brighton. I didn't really have any specific plan for the day, but there were a couple of thing I wanted to see. Little did I know that whatever plans I may have had would be forgotten soon after I got off the train. I was walking down the street heading to the seafront when I happen to look up in a pub window and see two people from my topdeck sitting there! I was so shocked and so were they by the look of their faces when they saw me! So instead of spending the day wandering around by myself like I thought I would, I had two buddies to walk around with!

We went down to the seafront and had fish and chips at one of the restaurants, and then walked along the sea front to the pier. Now I was seriously impressed with the pier, there were arcades and a mini amusement park and food stalls and it was just awesome! We decided to go on one of the roller-coasters and it was hilarious! It was right on the end of the pier so as you went around the corners all you could see was the sea. Nat was shrieking so much that I was crying with laughter by the end of it. After the pier we walked through the shops and then through the lanes, which were so cute with their bunting and flowers and little boutique stores. Once we had managed to find our way out of the lanes we got a coffee, and then I got the train back to London.
I seriously loved Brighton, even if I was only there for a few hours, but seeing Paul and Nat again was increbidle, and we were all saying how much we missed everyone from the tour and wished we could do it all over again (but maybe without the tents this time...)

Me, Paul and Nat exploring the lanes and celebrating our being reunited with a selfie 
The inside of chocywocydoodah. Yes that is the shop's name (or something along those lines..)
Wednesday was a little bit different, because I went to visit my Grandad's cousin! I got on the trains across London to Cheshunt where Roy and Joan were waiting for me at the station. We soent the day comparing adventures around the world, talking about politics, current events, what our families were up to and drinking a load of tea. After a couple of hours of chatting we went to a local pub for a delicious lunch (and the biggest meringue for dessert) and then I got a tour of the town! I was shown the olympic white water course, their shops, community centre, and then they took me to the house that Grandad lived in when he was a boy! It was quite odd seeing where my grandparents lived, and Roy was saying that Grandad wouldn't recognise the area at all. It was interesting to see just how much it had changed even in the time that Roy and Joan had lived in their house. Roads and houses that were all fields and trees when they first moved there..
After another couple of hours of chatting that included seeing the family trees (and adding myself and my cousins onto one of them that was printed before we were born) I got the trains back into the city and back home.
My Great-Great-Great-Grandad... 
Thursday was spent making the all too familiar journey back to school for the inset days, which I was not so thrilled about.. However it was made a bit easier when I saw the parcel in my pigeon hole that had tim-tams and luxury hot chocolate packets in it (thank you so much Nanny and Grandad!!). There's not a lot else to tell you all about my week since then! Except for the fact that I have mastered the school car and can now drive to the local town without muttering every bad word I know as I try (and fail) to get into the right gear! Other than my timetable has changed so I no longer have games, I instead have admin and support for music and art, and then forest school once a week again.
Because of this I've been thinking, and because my week's aren't exactly riveting and wouldn't be too interesting to read about, I think I'm going to try to post my topdeck adventures instead of boring weekly updates. So from now on, no more dull posts about the woods and stuff like that! Unless I go on a trip or it's the holidays, in which case I'll keep you updated- don't you worry!

Some random cool looking thing i found in Shepton while i was there.. 

I guess it's not that bad to be back at work, especially when we have nights like this...
So until next Friday then!

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