Monday, 2 February 2015

More snow and pretty chilled week (see what I did there?)

So, this week has been a bit more relaxed then previous ones, thank god.
Tuesday afternoon was spent on a fixture with the netball team, which pretty much means I hopped on a coach with 30 girls and a couple of teachers and was driven to a school in Taunton, watched them play netball in rain, wind and hail, and then returned to school. I blame that weather for giving me a cold that then lasted for the rest of the week... The rest of the week was spent like the others – thats the problem with a weekly timetable, it doesn't allow for massively interesting blog posts because every week is the same.. sorry.
Although while it doesn't make good reading for you, it makes my life easier because it means I now actually know where everything is, and I no longer have to ask for directions around the school!
I think the potential highlight of my week was judging the kids when they played Just Dance. Now I don't mean judging them in the bitchy teenage-girl kind of way. I mean actually judging them in their pairs to see which one won. It was all part of their wednesday night activity, where they had a choice of games they could play, and if they won they got some sweets (I got weird looks from everyone when I called them lollies, unfortunately I still haven't quite got the language differences here yet..) I think you could imagine how entertaining it is to watch kids copy the dance moves of the person on the screen so closely you'd have thought it was a real competition.

I pretty much spend my days joining in with the games (mainly netball and dodgeball), helping out in classes and doing the duties on the girls landing, which can either be delightfully easy, or the most trying couple of hours in your life. Sadly on thursday, it was the latter. This was because there was a year 3 sleepover – basically 12 7/8yearolds sleeping in a dorm room. Might I add that these girls all refused to get to sleep, and insisted that they weren't tired, which meant I had to sit on the floor in their room for over an hour making sure they weren't talking. Its sad when you're nearly falling asleep before the kids 10 years younger than you are... It's also made harder when it snowed that day so they are all overexcited because of that.. But to be fair I shared their excitement because IT SNOWED and no matter how old you are, you should always get excited about it!
Okay, how much does this look like it should be in Harry Potter? The architecture in this school is crazy!

On Friday night, after a day where nothing much happened, I had an hour-long chat with Mother Denise, who comes into the school regularly and has an amazing history. I never thought my Friday nights could get more reserved then sitting on the couch at home, in a onesie watching Coronation Street with Mum, but apparently it can when I was in bed by 8.30 after talking to a Mother for an hour.. Who knew?

The weekend was nothing exciting – I went to Warminster with the year 4's for a netball tournament, and while the proud parents were gushing over how their darlings actually caught the ball, I was in awe over the school it was held at. I cant get over how amazing the schools here are! They all have such amazing architecture and incredible grounds that surround it. It's safe to say that I have never seen a school like the ones here in New Zealand, probably because most of the schools here are older than New Zealand...

One thing I've noticed here is the names of the towns all sound really posh, and although they're all english names, no one pronounces them the way they're spelt, which makes it really hard for me to sound like I know what I'm talking about (which I really don't, but it'd be nice if they made it easy for me by pronouncing the place names the way they look – at least the names in New Zealand are phonetic, even if they are in a different language).
That's the other thing, half the kids here have no idea New Zealand even exists, and they always say I sound like an Aussie (I try not to take offence to that, but its hard..)

Yet again, you all should be proud of me! Last week it was for navigating my way across London by myself, and this week it's for me driving all by myself into Shepton Mallet. Now before you joke about me causing multiple crashes or running people over, that did not happen. Not once! I even managed to park the car in a busy car park, in between the lines and everything! I must say it was a very vocal driving sesh, because English country roads are stupidly thin and every time there was a corner (which was every few hundred metres!) a massive truck was coming the other way and oh dear me it was terrifying! That, along with not having a clue where I was going, and having to drive out through the entrance of a car park because it was the wrong one and the exit had spikes on the road, made for an interesting day of driving. But I made it back alive with no damage to me or the car (but some damage was done to my bank account because I may have gone shopping, again...)

Pretty much the closest thing I've ever seen to a whiteout. However this didn't last long because within seconds the kids were outside having snowball fights and there wasn't much left after that..

The sunset with what remained of the snow after the kids had finished with it.

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