Monday, 9 February 2015

Musicals, bubbles and a fat-provention programme

Another week gone. I actually cant believe how fast January went! This week marked two milestones for my gap year – one month in England, and two months out of New Zealand.. Its weird, it feels like I've been here forever, but at the same time it feels like I've only been here a week.. But even though Ive been here a month, I cant help but smiling like an idiot every time I stop and look around. Im living in England, working a job I love, I can go to London for a weekend and it only takes me 3 hours to get there (instead of it taking a weekend to get there..)

So this week started out like all the others, the normal routine of netball, registers -with the exception of making bubble mixture with the year one forrest school class, and spending an hour blowing bubbles and drinking hot chocolates by the fire pit. All pretty normal..  Then the music happened...

Do you know how hard it is to blow bubbles and then take a photo of said bubbles before they pop? The answer is very hard, so this was the best I got... Soz

By this I mean that on Wednesday nights the boarders have a house night, so they all do an activity together, and this weeks one was an open mike night (basically a microphone, flashing lights and songs played on youtube with the lyrics on a projector). Now I was hoping I could just hide at the back of the room for the entirety of the night and go unnoticed, but the staff had another idea..
It was about 5 minutes before the night started that I was informed that there was a tradition, that the new Gap did the first number.. This was not something I was pleased to hear, but luckily they also had another tradition – one of the post-grad gappies opened the night with 'What makes you beautiful' (I think he actually wanted to sing 'Why does love do this to me?', but he was convinced otherwise when no one else – expect me- had heard the song, which I found crazy because I thought EVERYONE knew that song, but apparently its a New Zealand thing.. Who knew?).
So the night was opened by yours truly singing a duet to One Direction with a 25yearold lad.. Lets just say the kids found it hilarious, and the next act had tough boots to fill (I didn't even need to look at the lyrics, what a pro!) The night was fantastic, and I know that because I only had to perform once, and by the end of the night my voice had gone from singing along with all the songs (I wasn't the only one, all the kids were singing so you couldn't actually hear the music, but thats only for the armatures)

On thursday I was treated to two musical performances. One was in the dining hall, and basically consisted of 10 year 7/8 boys singing and dancing to 'Uptown Funk' and 'Shake it off' while clearing the tables. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen, because they were all doing the same dance moves (used in the previous nights performance) and it surprisingly didn't look half bad. However within an hour their impromptu performance was somewhat put to shame by the Year 6 production. Now when you hear those words you usually imagine some bad acting, off key singing and a dull show. That was not the case here. The acting was amazing considering it was 10 and 11 year olds, the singing was amazing, and its impossible to be bored when the show is of 'We will rock you'! I couldn't quite believe how good the show was, and how funny it was! The show was two hours and I wasn't bored for a second!
Just down the road from school I found this. What are the odds eh?

Other then that, the week was pretty normal! The weather here is starting to clear up, I mean its not a lot warmer but the last three days have been lovely and sunny and I have made the most of it.
I know you're not going to believe me on this one but I swear I'm not lying! I have gone for THREE runs this week! I know, I know its not that impressive but for me this is massive! I even have the muddy trainers and sore legs to prove it! I finally decided that eating three cooked meals a day was going to make me fat, and on the money that I make here, I cant afford to buy a whole new wardrobe of new clothes (even though I wish I could) so the only option, other then eating less (which isn't really an option) was to do some exercise. So I downloaded an app that tracks how far I run and the speed and all that kind of stuff, and off I went! So three 5km runs in a week has made me feel all motivated and stuff, although I don't know how long it'll last, so lets not get our hopes up...

Running down country roads with this on either side of 
you makes it a little easier. 
Only a little bit though...
This little fella followed me for a mile while 
on my run. However I drew the line when he 
tried to come into the reception 
area of the school..

And on that note, I think that's all for this week! Now just a heads up, next week the post will either be on Sunday (a day earlier) or there wont be a post until the following week, but hopefully it'll be a good one so don't get worried!  

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